Friday, January 13, 2012

Mercer Kitchen

Mercer Kitchen has been a place I have wanted to try for quite some time.  I honestly had my mind made up that this was going to be an over-rated 'scene' but I was pleasantly surprised.  Of course looking at the menu the night before our reservation I was prepared for what I wanted. I had attempted to make a Butternut Squash recipe a few weeks prior and I wasn't overly impressed with my creation.  Figured I would try it out a few times and try to see what flavors I was missing to perfect my own recipe. I have to say this was a phenomenal soup to start with. On a freezing cold winter NYC day, it really hit the spot! They made them with black trumpet mushrooms, which I will have to try adding next go around!

Butternut Squash Soup with black trumpet mushrooms

Salmon with crispy sushi rice, chipotle mayo and ponzu

Omelette with goat cheese and roasted rosemary potatoes

Omlete was nothing special. Little too much goat cheese for my liking. Would have been nice if they put some sort of substance inside. Possibly spinach or mushrooms would have worked. Tried the Mercer burger, which was mighty tasty with its guacamole smothered self. Would get that if and when I go back. Loved the downstairs decor, was really an awesome space. 

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